Sudah seminggu berselang sejak dirilisnya tools Jailbreak Pangu dari grup pengembang @PanguTeam. Kini mereka telah merilis pembaruan Pangu ke versi 1.1 dengan beragam perbaikan menarik dan tambahan dukungan. Diataranya adalah menghadirkan Pangu dalam antarmuka berbahasa Inggris dan merilis Pangu untuk perangkat OS X.
Berikut ini daftar lengkap pembaruan Pangu versi 1.1:
Add English support.
Optimize the file size.
Fix the boot loop bug.
Using new info leak bug instead of @i0n1c’s
Add online self verification
Selain mendukung bahasa Inggris dan tersedia untuk perangkat OS X, sang pengembang juga menghadirkan perbaikan untuk masalah boot loop yang terjadi pada beberapa pengguna. Mereka juga menghadirkan laman website Pangu berbahasa Inggris agar lebih familar untuk kamu akses.
Sebagai catatan, kamu tidak perlu melakukan Jailbreak ulang perangkat iOS 7.1 bila tidak menemukan masalah. Segera unduh Pangu bagi kamu yang berminat untuk melakukan Jailbreak dan selamat menikmati berbagai tweakmenarik dari Cydia.
If you're running any jailbreak on your iOS 7 device(s), whether by way of evasi0n7 or thenewly-released Pangu jailbreak, and you want to apply a custom boot logo to your device, then read on!
You are going to need four things to get this done:
A filesystem-editing application, such as iFunBox
BootGIF, for turning your .gif images into boot-up animations
You will also need to find a .gif image (animated if you want) that you want to use as a boot logo. You can use almost any one that you want, so you can search Google Images, or if you already have one you want to use, you can use that one too.
First up, you're going to want to go on the device that you're wanting to add a boot logo to, and you'll want to add a new repository to your Cydia sources. That repository is:
PHP Code:
Once added, you'll want to install the "animate" package, which will enable third-party boot logos on your iOS device. The version of animate on this repository has been updated to support iOS 7.0-7.1.1, so that's why you'll be adding this repository and installing this version of animate from this repository. It works with both 32-bit and 64-bit iOS 7 devices, and the animate fix package is not necessary to install after you install this version of animate:
If you don't already have it, you'll also want to install Apple File Conduit "2" on your device so you can access your filesystem over a USB connection (this is available in Cydia's default repository, so there's no need to add another repository for it):
Once your device is ready, you can go ahead and open the BootGIF application on your computer that you downloaded. You will see a "Select GIF" button in the top right-hand corner of the application that you can use to select the .gif image that you want to use as your boot logo, and once you do, your interface should look something like the one below:
You can pick the device that the boot logo will be for so that it will be formatted correctly for your device, you can change the background color to whatever you want, configure the fade, configure the height and width of the image, select the output to where your animated boot logo file will be saved to, and much more, but we'll be leaving these options as the default for this demonstration. You may need to play with these options a few times until you get it right where you like it.
Once finished, you can click on the "Make bootlogo" button to finalize and create your boot logo for your device.
After making your boot logo file, you'll find a new folder at the destination that you configured as your file output (we chose our Desktop). It should appear in a folder named something such as "BL_95667," but the numbers may be different for you.
You can now plug your iOS device that you have Apple File Conduit "2" and animate installed on into to your computer, and you can open the iFunBox application. It will detect your device, and on the left side of the application, you will want to click on "Raw File System." Now, you will navigate to Library>BootLogos, and you can drag the folder you created (in our case, BL_95667 from our Desktop) into this location:
Now, you can go on your iOS device and go to the Settings application and visit the BootLogo preferences pane and pick the boot logo that you created:
Congratulations! You have now changed your boot logo to something other than a boring little white Apple. You can reboot your device and you'll see the .gif image that you created!
For a video walk-through on changing your boot logo on iOS 7, you can watch our video version of this guide below:
Jailbreak iOS 7.1 yang sudah lama ditunggu kehadirannya akhirnya dirilis hari ini. Bukan dari grup pengembang RedSnow maupun Evasi0n, namun dari sebuah kelompok bernama di Cina. Apakah ini valid dan bukan tipuan seperti beberapa waktu lalu? Banyak pengguna sudah membuktikannya dan tools tersebut memang benar dapat melakukan Jailbreak baik di perangkati Phone, iPod Touchmaupun [iPad]4] dengan sistem operasi 7.1 – 7.1.1.
Sebagai permulaan, kelompok pengembang tersebut hanya merilis Pangi untuk pengguna sistem operasi Windows. Namun kabarnya mereka akan segera menghadirkannya untuk perangkat OS X. Karena berasal dari Cina, beberapa komputer yang tidak memiliki font yang sama hanya akan menampilkan ikon “??” untuk setiap teks yang tampil.
Pastikan kamu sudah melakukan backup sebelum melakukan Jailbreak. Saya tidak bertanggung jawab bila terjadi masalah terhadap perangkat iOS setelah melakukan Jailbreak.
Berikut ini panduan untuk melakukan Jailbreak iOS 7.1 menggunakan
Unduh versi terbaru Pangu di laman resmi mereka.
Koneksikan perangkat iOS 7.1.1 kamu menggunakan kabel data USB ke komputer yang sudah mengunduh Pangu.
Buka aplikasi Pangu lalu hilangkan tanda checklistdi bagian tengah tampilan aplikasi.
Tekan ikon teks box berwarna hitam untuk memulai proses Jailbreak.
Setelah itu Pangu akan meminta kamu mematikan pengaturan waktu otomatis di perangkat iOS. Caranya mudah, buka aplikasiSettings> General > Date Time lalu matikan knob Set Automatically.
Sekarang kamu harus mengubah kalender di perangkat iOS ke tanggal2 Juni 2014.
Kembali ke home screen lalu cari ikon aplikasi Pangu di layar kamu. Tekan dan pilih teks Continue untuk melanjutkan proses Jailbreak.
Sekarang kamu hanya tinggal menunggu proses Jailbreak tersebut selesai. Jangan mencabut kabel data dan mematikan aplikasi Pangu di perangkat komputer hingga proses Jailbreak selesai.
Setelah selesai sekarang kamu tinggal mencari ikon Cydia di home screen dan selamat memasang tweak favoritmu.
In the pop up that shows in the screen , click "start over" to start from the beginning.
After that triple click ( 3 times ) the home button.
In the screen pop up , select the "cancel"option to cancel the activation screen from showing.
What you need to do next is triple click the home button again.
Select English/ any language of your choice in the language selection screen.
Select your country in the country selection screen.
The next screen is to select a WiFi network, click the next option to continue.
Press the home button again.
In the options that pop up, select the "emergency call" option.
If you have SIM card inserted on your device, remove it.
In the emergency call window , dial 112 and make the call .
You need to press the power button twice (2) as soon as the call is made, your device will be turned off and you will see only a black screen.
After the device starts, press the home button to continue our process.
Now you will be landed on the "Contacts"application screen.
The next thing you need to do is create a new contact .
Activate the voice control feature by triple clicking the home button.
In the pop up that shows, select the "block this caller" option by double clicking it(2) .
In the next pop up, triple (3) click the "block contact " pop up.
Voila, you are on the home screen , open the FaceTime application.
In the Facetime App, You will see the Apple ID / email of the owner.
Email him by making a request to disable the activation lock .
Everything after that depends on your luck, if the device was stolen the owner of the device may not respond or wont disable the lock and if you get a response that he will disable the lock but you need to send him money then don't go for it because there is a chance of you getting cheated.
Hari ini seluruh pengembang aplikasi dan tweakJailbreak di Cydia dikejutkan dengan berita rilisnya, tools untuk melakukan Jailbreak di iOS 7.1. Nah, bagi kamu yang sudah melakukan Jailbreak pasti mengalami masalah di beberapa tweak atau aplikasi favorit yang belum mendukung. iPhone Hacks telah merilis daftar aplikasi dan tweakyang sudah dapat digunakan pada iOS 7.1–7.1.1 Jailbreak. Berikut ini daftar lengkapnya:
App dan Tweak yang Mendukung Jailbreak iOS 7.1
2×2 Folder Icons
3G Unrestrictor 5 (iOS 7 & 6)
Background Manager
Badge Customizer
Blur Remover
BTC Mouse & Trackpad
BytaFont 2
CC Deseparator
Chrome Downloader Plus
Clear Background Apps
Color Keyboard for iOS 7
Core Utilities
Core Utilities (/bin)
Cydia Substrate
Drunk Mode
FolderEnhancer (iOS 7)
HASHBANG Productions Common
HiddenSettings7 Icon
iCleaner Pro
Infinite Tweet 2
Inform Me
ipEQ for iPhone
KeyShortcut Pro
Messages Customiser
NoSpot iOS 7
NowPlayingStatusBar for iOS 7
Phantom for Snapchat
Random Icon Flip
Record ‘n’ Torch
Safari Resetter
Slide2Kill 7
Software Update Killer
Speed Intensifier
Springtomize 3
SSH Connect
StatusHUD 2
Still Capture Enabler 2
Substrate Safe Mode
SubtleLock (iOS 7)
Syslog Flipswitch
syslogd to /var/log/syslog
TimeForAlarm 2
Untrusted Hosts Blocker
Video Zoom Mod
Volume Step
WiFi Booster
App dan Tweak yang Belum Mendukung Jailbreak iOS 7.1
Action Menu
Action Menu Plus Pack
AirBlue Sharing
AltKeyboard 2
Apex 2 (iOS 7)
Browser Changer
f.lux Flipswitch
Reminders Pro
Stride 2 (iOS 7)
Stumbler Plus
Selain 2 kategori diatas, ada juga beberapa app dan tweak yang baru berjalan secara parsial atau tidak mendukung semua fungsinya di iOS 7.1.1. Antara lain Activator, Blurfolders, Eclipse, Five Icon Dock, Hold2Speak, LockInfo 7 dan beberapa tweak lainnya. Semoga saja sang pengembang dapat segera merilis pembaruan untuk tweak dan app tersebut.
To everyone’s surprise, and as we reported first, the Pangu jailbreak for
iOS 7.1.X was released earlier today courtesy of a mysterious team of Chinese
jailbreak developers. But the jailbreak’s GUI is in Chinese and can be quite
confusing for many, so here’s a look at exactly how to use Pangu to jailbreak
your iOS device.
Note: Please note Pangu is an untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1 and iOS
Patently Apple melaporkan bahwaApple baru saja mendapatkan hak patenteknologi terbaru dari US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) terkait teknologi input canggih buat iPhone di masa mendatang. Nantinya iPhone bakal memiliki kemampuan untuk memproyeksikan keyboard, mouse, trackpad, dan game controller holografis ke atas permukaan meja.
the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals a futuristically advanced iPhone feature and capability. In the future, Apple’s iPhone may be able to project an emulated keyboard, keypad, mouse, trackpad, or a game controller onto a table top surface and more.
Patently Apple melaporkan bahwaApple baru saja mendapatkan hak patenteknologi terbaru dari US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) terkait teknologi input canggih buat iPhone di masa mendatang. Nantinya iPhone bakal memiliki kemampuan untuk memproyeksikan keyboard, mouse, trackpad, dan game controller holografis ke atas permukaan meja.
the US Patent & Trademark Office published a patent application from Apple that reveals a futuristically advanced iPhone feature and capability. In the future, Apple’s iPhone may be able to project an emulated keyboard, keypad, mouse, trackpad, or a game controller onto a table top surface and more.
Mekanisme kerja paten teknologi yang diberi nama “iPhone Frequency Sensor/Magnifier Application” ini adalah iPhone dapat merubah permukaan datar menjadi panel sentuh. Selanjutnya iPhone dapat mendeteksi sinyal dan getaran pada saat iPhone diletakan di permukaan tersebut.
Selain itu, virtual keyboard ini juga terbagi ke dalam beberapa area berbeda. Jika pengguna menyentuh area lain, maka input berbeda pula yang akan keluar.
Ide dasar paten ini lebih jelas bisa kamu lihat dalam video berikut ini.
Sebelumnya mungkin banyak orang mengira bahwa ide untuk menghadirkan virtual keyboard di atas permukaan datar adalah benar-benar tidak masuk akal. Namun, Apple berhasil mendapatkan hak paten ini. Mungkinkah fitur canggih ini akan segera Apple hadirkan di iPhone 6?
Have an iPhone 5 with a busted screen? We understand the pain of picking up your iPhone off the ground only to find pieces of glass falling out of it. Unfortunately, broken screens aren't covered under the standard AppleCare warranty, and if you didn't opt for AppleCare+, a replacement iPhone 5 can cost a few hundred dollars. However, a replacement screen itself isn't that expensive and luckily the repair itself is one of the easier ones to perform. So if you're up for the task, follow along and we'll walk you through step by step!
What you need to DIY replace a cracked screen on an iPhone 5
iPhone 5 LCD & digitizer replacement
Suction cup
5-point security screwdriver
Standard #000 Phillips screwdriver
Spudger tool
Razor blade
iSesamo Opening tool (not necessary but awesome for prying up cables and getting under adhesive)
Video walkthrough
Our video will walk you through disassembly to reassembly. Even though it's possible to perform this repair using only the video, we highly suggest reading the written walkthrough and viewing the high quality images below. Both guides are meant to compliment each other so we suggest reading and watching both before actually performing the repair.
Power off your iPhone 5
Before performing any repair, you should always turn your iPhone completely off by holding down the Power Button and using the Slide to power offfeature. Once the iPhone has completely turned off, you can move on to the next step.
Remove the two security screws in the dock connector
There are two security screws on either side of the Lightning connector port. Use your security screwdriver to remove them.
Remove the damaged display
There are two methods for removing the display. If you've cracked the bottom pretty badly you may find it hard to get a seal with a suction cup. We'll walk you through both ways of removing the display.
Suction cup method
This is the method we recommend and the one you should use if you can get a seal. If not, use the straight edge razor method below.
Position your suction cup firmly above the Home button.
Gently pull upwards while holding the phone down with your other hand.
The display is in there pretty good so you'll have to apply quite a bit of strength to pull it out. Just make sure you keep your hand over the top of the iPhone as you don't want to completely pull the display off. There are still cables attached underneath.
Once the display has dislodged from the device, swing it upwards to expose the cables connecting it underneath.
Move on to the next section.
Straight edge razor blade method
If the bottom of your iPhone 5 screen has shattered badly, it'll be next to impossible to get a good enough seal to pry it up. You'll need a straight edged razor blade for this method. Be careful and work slowly not only so you don't damage the iPhone but more importantly, so you don't cut or hurt yourself.
Start at either side of the Home button and carefully work the razor blade between the frame and the glass.
Slowly pry upwards until you get an edge freed enough that you can slip a pry tool or spudgerin between.
Now set the razor blade aside and continue to work around the bottom and bottom edges until you free the display from the frame.
Do not pull it straight upwards but instead, swing it upwards as there are still cables attached at the top we need to remove.
Remove the iPhone 5 display panel
There's a silver shield covering the LCD and digitizer cables. Remove the three screwsholding the shield in place with your #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Gently lift the shield out of the iPhone 5.
Now you have a clear view of the cables holding the display assembly to the logic board. Use your spudger or pry tool to carefully pry allthree cables from the logic board.
You can now lift the front digitizer and LCD assembly off the device.
Ready the new iPhone 5 display
Odds are your new replacement display will come stripped down to nothing but the display assembly. We'll need to remove some pieces off the old cracked display to place on the new display before laying the new assembly in place.
Remove the display shield, earpiece shield, and earpiece assembly
There are a total of eight screws holding the display and earpiece shield in place. They are outlined in the picture below. Remove all eightscrews using your #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Now use your pry tool or spudger to carefully lift up the display shield off the back of the display. The best way is to slip your pry tool beneath the shield at the bottom on either side of the Home button. The shield will easily lift off.
Now remove the earpiece shield at the top by lifting it off and setting it aside.
The actual earpiece assembly sits directly below the shield and will easily lift off as well. Set it aside.
Remove the front-facing camera and sensor cable
The front-facing camera and sensor cable sits to the left of where the earpiece assembly was and lines the top of the device. We need to remove it.
Carefully lift it up but notice the kink in the cable underneath the front-facing camera. The noise canceling mic is pushed into the display assembly. Pop it out carefully.
The rest of the cable is only held in with a tiny bit of adhesive. Carefully peel it back to finish removing the cable from the display assembly.
Remove the Home button assembly
Remove the two screws on either side of the Home button assembly using your #00 Phillips screwdriver.
Start lifting the Home button shield starting on the left side but don't pull completely up yet.
On the right hand side you'll see a contact that's stuck to the display assembly that runs on the Home button shield. Use your finger or pry tool to carefully break the adhesive.
Set the Home button shield aside.
Now we've just got to remove the actual Home button. Simply push the Home button up from the front of the assembly and use your pry tool or a metal spatula to loosen the gasket on the back side. The Home button should come free pretty easily.
Transfer the removed components to the new iPhone 5 display assembly
Now that we've removed everything from the old assembly, we can transfer it to the new, unbroken assembly. In order to do this, just follow the above directions in reverse order or refer to our video where we'll walk you through readying the new assembly.
Once you've finished readying the new assembly, continue on.
Replace the iPhone 5 display assembly
Start by securing the three cables back to the logic board.
Replace the logic board shield cover over the cables and secure it with the three screws we originally removed using your #00 Phillips screwdriver.
There are plastic clips that run along the top of the display assembly like you can see below. These need to sit underneath the inside of the frame.
Starting from the top make sure you slide the clips in place and carefully work your way around the edges of the display applying even pressure to snap the display into place.
Replace the dock connector screws
Use your security screwdriver to replace the two screws on either side of the Lightning connector port.
And ...done!
Now that you've finished reassembling your iPhone 5 you can go ahead and turn it back on by pressing and holding down the power button until you see the Apple logo.
If all went well, your iPhone should boot up just fine. Make sure to test the new replacement for dead spots and check the display quality to make sure there are no dead pixels or discoloration. Since you did have to transfer components that control brightness, sound, and the proximity sensor - it's always a good idea to test those functions too so you know you transferred all the components over correctly.